Note: This is a sponsored article, for information purposes only. Not to be considered as an investment advise.
With advancing technology, the number of cryptocurrencies listed in the exchange market is growing every day. These wide varieties of options leave investors wondering on where to invest, which crypto has a higher probability of rising and dominating the exchange market, etc. This article will provide information that will help narrow down to the best cryptocurrency investment option, i.e. Zerocoin.
Zerocoin is one of the most promising cryptocurrencies in the exchange market.
So, Why invest in Zerocoin?
Here is a detailed analysis of Zerocoin that explains why it is the best option.
Advanced secure and anonymous system
Zeroedge ensures the security of all transactions on the platform. It has implemented security features that are not available with other competitors. This will enable the platform to secure the debit and credit card transactions while maintaining a high degree of transaction anonymity.
According to Zerocoin whitepaper, the user converts not so anonymous Bitcoin to Zerocoin, which is anonymous. Therefore, this ensures that the origin of transactions as well as the amount transacted remains anonymous. Hackers, snooping friends and malicious web users will be unable to track the user’s transactions. The security and anonymity features are exclusive to Zerocoin cryptocurrency.
Value set to keep increasing with 0% house edge gambling blockchain platform
Gamblers lose a fortune to casinos, mainly due to the fact that traditional casinos are set to win with their 1-10% house edge games. But now with Zeroedge, things are going to be different as the platform offers 0% house edge gambling games on, giving players a chance to place their bets on a fair-play platform. This attractive option is set to encourage more gamblers to play on the Zeroedge online blockchain casino platform by purchasing the Zerocoins. The rising demand will also push the cryptocurrency’s price upwards.
So, how will Zerocoin holders earn profits on a 0% house edge gambling platform?
The revolutionary online gambling platform is different from traditional casinos. Rather than earning through the house making money from gamblers losing, it earns by the constant rise in the value of the coin. There will be lots of online casinos using the Zerocoin currency on, which will increase the demand on 0% house edge casinos. As more people continue to place bets using the cryptocurrency, the demand will be sustained over a long period of time, keeping the token price high. The positive price trend will ensure profits to Zerocoin holders, and also the Zerocoin powered blockchain casino platforms.
The current price of Zerocoin stands at $0.3122. Furthermore, its value is predicted to keep rising in the market. The price is predicted to rise to $0.6 in one year, meaning a 97.76% potential of earnings in a year for investors. The ICO is live for the next 50 days, making it an ideal opportunity to purchase some coins. As the trend shows, the price of Zerocoin could hit $2 by 2023, which makes it one of the best options for long-term investment in cryptocurrency segment.
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