StandAgainstWar: Offering A New Medium To Donate Crypto For Ukraine Relief Through PeaceNightingales!

The conditions in Ukraine have been deteriorating by the minute, and now is the time to share this load by offering any and every form of help that can create an impact. The Stand Against War team shares a clear vision of helping Ukraine by capitalizing on their forte of minting and selling Digital Art for this cause!

The team managing Stand Against War is a refined bench of individuals with a crystal clear vision toward the greater good. Their efforts in Ukraine have been identified by many top-tier NGOs, and now they are all set to do everything in their capacity for the restoration of Ukraine!

What is StandAgainstWar?

In a world where NFTs have taken the internet by storm, NFTs seemed just the right thing to educate and make people aware of the contributions that they can make. StandAgainstWar has figured out a way of raising charity money for donations by minting digital art that can be preserved and even sold again at a much higher price.

The functionality of the entire donation cycle has been crafted through the operations of a smart contract. The code for this smart contract is available to the public at large and the same can be verified on the blockchain.

Stand Against War is not just a project, it is a mission to be available for the people in need by continuously adapting to the fast-paced trajectory of the world.

Who Are The Peace Nightingales?

The Peace Nightingales have finally found their way to Ukraine, and the crypto community is all set to leave no stone unturned. Their ideology is resolute, “What are we even doing, if we are not helping our kind.”

A collection of 10,000 uniquely crafted NFTs, The Peace Nightingales display the common ground of helping Ukraine along with the public display of your support. The idea is not to flaunt, but to inspire the millions of people who can make a difference!

Once a Peace Nightingale is minted, an audited smart contract automatically distributes 90% of the total price of each minted NFT amongst the ETH wallets of 17 NGOs that are operating in Ukraine. The transaction IDs of each and every donation will be available on the blockchain, thus completely ready for any verification at any time.

The remaining 10% goes into the digital marketing, development of the project, and future retention to support everyone if the need arises in the future. Adding to that, you also get to become a perpetual investor, since 90% of the royalty on each resale will be contributed yet again to these NGOs through the functionality of the same smart contract.

In a nutshell, when you mint a peace nightingale, you are not just owning a digital asset, you are setting a new notion that turns to help into the new cool thing on the web!

How does this help Ukraine?

StandAgainstWar has associated itself with 17 top-notch non-profit organizations that are providing on-ground restoration aid along with direct fund transfers in Ukraine. These organizations are working on the front lines by equipping health workers, ensuring animal welfare, supplying meals, providing nutrition to children, empowering girls and women, and offering all the support that the Ukrainians need to rebuild their lives.

Help Ukraine!

Whenever a war strikes, the affected countries move decades behind their current position. The development is hampered, future plans are destroyed, stress prevails, and the vision of a country collapses.

StandAgainstWar is the first step towards instigating the crypto community to actively help Ukraine through the routes of both prayer and donations. Their partners are doing phenomenal work in the field, and with this optimistic approach, it is just a matter of time before normalcy is restored.

You can stay in the know about what’s happening at StandAgainstWar, and how they’re extending their support to Ukraine via Telegram, Twitter, Discord, and Instagram.


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