On February 15, 2018, the Bitcoen project completed itstoken sale, having successfully reached the declared hard cap of$2.5 million.
The BitCoen team is working to get the Bitcoen token listed on popular crypto-exchanges.
“TheBitCoen token will undergo all the necessary checks, and we expect that in mid-March it will be traded on Bitqi.com,” commented Vice-President of BitCoen David Dyshko. “Later the token will appear on other exchanges. We want to thank all those who supported the BitCoen project.Your trust is very important tous. During the token sale, we realized that BitCoen is more than a Jewish blockchain project. The idea of BitCoen was supported by different communities: ethnic groups, travelers – all who havea need for a single crypto currency that can be used in different countries. So now we can say that Bitcoen is the first Community Open Exchange Network.”
The project’s geography covers more than 200 countries. According to the company’s representatives, most of the requests to purchase BitCoen tokens came from Israel, Russia, Germany, Italy, Spain, England, Turkey, Ukraine, India, Venezuela, Vietnam, Indonesia and Pakistan.
Blockchain 3.0
The BitCoen ecosystem includestheBitCoen token and an offline and online payment system that allows BitCoen to be used in everyday life:the international loyalty program BitCoen (“BitCoen Loyalty”), the BitCoen wallet (“BitCoen Wallet”),a marketplace for businesses (“BitСoen Platform”) and an advertising platform (“BitCoen ADV”).
“The BitCoen blockchain is our own development,” says Dyshko. “Its uniqueness lies, first, in the speed of 1,000 transactions per minute.Now it is the fastest blockchain in the world. The second unique feature is the absence of a commission for transactions. Third, the BitCoen blockchain is sustainable: it does not involve mining of proof of work or proof of stake. Confirmation of transactions occurs through the protocol of proof of time.That is, high transaction speed is a guarantee of its reliability.”
The project team has already started developing a mobile application for the BitCoen wallet. Together with this, negotiations are continuing with potential partners of the project, which will soon become part of a single Bitcoen ecosystem.