It’s been long since I have written something. I think when we run a business, there are essentially two parts to the business. One is ‘Running The Business’ (RTB) and the other is ‘Changing The Business’ (CTB). And in this fast changing blockchain world, we have to move fast. Last couple of my months were more dedicated towards CTB.
At Amaze Mining and Research Ltd, we’ve evolved from a Bitcoin Mining Company to a Blockchain Company. If I have to share my learnings of this period of evolution, I would say that there are essentially two Blockchain based assets:
1. Blockchain asset that is created through Mining. Essentially Bitcoin, Litecoin, Zcash falls into this category of being a mining based asset.
2. Blockchain asset that is distributed through ICO. Essentially Storj, Gnosis, MaidSafe fall into this category
The reason why am I betting big on ‘MCAP Token’ is that it opens the window for a long term investor to the whole Blockchain based assets. ‘MCAP Token’ is a Mining and ICO Fund token, where it diversifies the portfolio for a long term investor into the complete Blockchain based ecosystem.
My investment philosophy is very much long-term. I don’t do any small trades, like, “Oh, I’ll buy this for a month.” I invest only in long-term trends. When I started Bitcoin Mining, it was totally a new and random thing and most people said, “No way, this thing is stupid.” I saw it differently.
When I invest, I think, “What is the way the world should be and is this investment part of that end? Is this the right direction if the world moves in this direction?” When I think about Blockchain, that’s the framework in my mind.
Market capitalisation of all Blockchain based assets is roughly around $40 Billion today. What I can say with confidence is that it will go to $600 Billion by 2030. Innovators have figured out many use cases and will figure out more that are tough to even imagine today. You know what Internet and Mobile has changed in last 20 years. Blockchain will change the world in a much bigger way.
Through MCAP Token, having a diversified portfolio of Mining and ICO based Blockchain assets is a very big value proposition for a long term investor who doesn’t want to actively handle it’s portfolio of which asset to buy and sell individually. MCAP Token takes away all that hard work.
If you believe in Blockchain, if you believe it’s part of how you think the world should be, the way the world will eventually evolve and you want to participate in that, then it might be for you.
I am is betting on it. I expects that there will be a big infrastructure built around Blockchain which will now accelerate the journey from here.
Tim Miller is the Senior Business Manager,