Taiwan Reportedly Not Allowing Planned Robocoin Bitcoin ATM

Robocoin Kiosk Blog
Courtesy: blog.robocoinkiosk.com

With recent reports of Robocoin’s bitcoin ATM expansion in Asia, the move to get bitcoin in the hands of more people seemed like a sure thing. Except for the fact that Taiwan reportedly doesn’t want the bitcoin ATM in their country.

The revelation comes mere days after Taiwan issued an anti-bitcoin sentiment, warning against the use of the digital currency and even going so far as to threaten intervention should the need arise. It’s perhaps one of the most aggressive government takes on bitcoin, even over China (China allows the use of bitcoin at personal will, but doesn’t want third-party payment processors working with bitcoin exchanges).

The country’s Financial Supervisory Committee (FSC) has stated they will not approve such a machine. The news has been primarily reported by Yahoo! News Taiwan.

And with that, Las Vegas-based Robocoin seeks to plant their bitcoin ATM elsewhere. Hong Kong, areas in Europe, and the United States are all targets. Robocoin is said to be shipping on the order of eight machines in January and an additional thirty-nine by March, according to Bitcoin Examiner.

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