What Happens If Bitcoin’s Price Crashes?

Several things could happen if the price of Bitcoin crashes. This short article explains some things that could occur should Bitcoin’s price crash.

Crypto skeptics believe Bitcoin is a bubble and will crash soon. But Bitcoin believers take a different position. To them, Bitcoin is not a bubble, so the price cannot hit rock bottom. Without taking sides, this article focuses on what would be the effect of Bitcoin’s crash.

Can Bitcoin Crash?

Whether Bitcoin can crash is a notion that you must view from the perspective of Bitcoin as having high price volatility. The price changes by the minute and can rise or fall without expectation. Investors in Bitcoin tend to believe that the price will keep increasing over the long term. And they are justified considering the price has grown since its launch in 2009.

But Bitcoin has experienced multiple crashes over its lifetime. Some of these crashes occurred in 2018, 2021, and 2022. Bitcoin’s price has fallen from a high of over $68,000 in November 2021 to just below $22,000 today. And this represents a drop of about 67%. With such realities, then the possibility of Bitcoin crashing is real. However, it may be challenging to crash to zero.

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What Happens Then?

Assuming that Bitcoin’s price crashes, then several things could happen. First, many people and entities would lose billions of their investments. For those who had bought Bitcoin, it would mean apparent losses. Let’s use an example. A big organization can purchase Bitcoin worth $1 billion. If Bitcoin crashes to zero, the organization will lose $1 billion.

Since you can’t sell Bitcoin when it has zero value, you suffer the loss of your investment in a total crash. But if the collision is not complete, meaning that the price doesn’t drop to zero, the investors would still lose part of their investment in Bitcoin. If you bought Bitcoin when the price was $67,000, your investment would be 67% less today.

Second, if Bitcoin crashes, it would affect other cryptocurrencies adversely. Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency. Other smaller cryptocurrencies would probably also hit rock bottom because of this. And since many other investors have these cryptocurrencies, they would also experience financial losses.

Third, Bitcoin’s crash could render many Bitcoin miners and nodes out of business. A total hit would make mining useless since miners will not earn anything. And considering the massive investments that miners make, a crash would have harrowing implications. Their huge investments in mining resources, including computers, energy, and labor, would all go to waste.

Fourth, a Bitcoin crash could affect businesses that use Bitcoin. Consider a company that accepts Bitcoin as payment for services or goods. Bitcoin’s crash would mean that the organization could have to stop using Bitcoin as payment.

However, a crash may not affect blockchain technology that supports Bitcoin. Different entities now use blockchain for various reasons beyond using Bitcoin. For example, the real estate industry has started using blockchain technology to enhance security, privacy, and convenience in its operations. A Bitcoin crash may not cause them to abandon the technology.


Bitcoin’s price has crashed several times over its lifetime. However, the price has never crashed to zero. While this may be possible, the probability is very low. Nevertheless, several things could happen, assuming that even such a crash can happen. Investors will be the most affected because of the financial losses. Other entities that use Bitcoin for payment will also be affected. All entities that use or depend on Bitcoin will be adversely affected.


Image by Sergei Tokmakov, Esq. https://Terms.Law from Pixabay
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